Finished books

Current and past books

This is a brief list of the books I have read recently or I am reading at the moment:,204,203,200_.jpg

Clean Code by Robert C. Martin

The Clean Code book has once again put front and center for me that writing software is a practice in which its output should be centered around:

  • the reproducibility of the results
  • an incremental refinement of the work based on the tests written for reproducibility
  • the easiness for other people to read, understand, maintain and extend the code,204,203,200_.jpg

Writing Idiomatic Python by Jeff Knupp

I really enjoyed going through Jeff’s posts. His book although concise it is straight to the point, laying out important fundamentals in a clear way.,204,203,200_.jpg

Effective Python by Brett Slatkin

Listening to Brett on the @TalkPython Podcast episode #25 was pretty inspirational, starting from scratch with Python at his job at Google to leading teams and launching App Engine. I had to read his book and I am enjoying it and learning a lot.,204,203,200_.jpg

The Hitchhiker's Guide to Python by Kenneth Reitz

In one of our projects at Skyscanner Hotels we make use of Kenneth Reitz’s libraries: Requests. That is how I found out about his book The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Python that I made use extensively while preparing my Python Best Practices talk.,204,203,200_.jpg

Python 101 by Michael Driscoll

Another book which I read through for my Python Best Practices talk.

The hacker's Guide to Python

I also made use of Julien Danjou’s The hacker’s Guide to Python for preparing the Python Best Practices talk.,204,203,200_.jpg

Software Developer Life Manual by John Sonmez

Again listening to episode John Sonmez on the @TalkPython Podcast episode #71 I was curious about his book. I have read most of the book so far and the take out points for me were:

  • create a Blog
  • give value back to the community (contribute to OS, interesting blog posts),204,203,200_.jpg

The Effective Engineer by Edmond Lau

This is a book we gave away as a prize at the LauzHack Hackathon in Switzerland which I attended as a Skyscanner representative. I was curious about it and I am reading it now.,204,203,200_.jpg

Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava

I enjoyed this book and wrote a brief review about it:

Python Testing with pytest by Brian Okken

Read my review about it:

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